creations 2014-2017
猫と金魚 -和蘭獅子頭と梅をモチーフにー 2014
Cat and goldfish. -The motif is Dutch lion head and plum.

猫と金魚 -見つめる-
Cat and goldfish. -Staring- 2014

猫と金魚 -水泡眼と福寿草ー
Cat and goldfish. -Bubble eyes and Fukujuso- 2015

兎鞠と桜 Rabbitball and Cherry Blossoms 2015

春・田植え前 Spring・before rice planting 2016

春・耕田の候 Spring・ plow the fields season 2016

金魚・ダリア Goldfish・Dahlia 2017

猫と金魚 -丹頂とダリアー
Cat and goldfish -Tancho and Dahlia-

金魚 -藤ー Goldfish ーWisteria ー 2017